If you’re on a diet program and have
recently noticed that the weight you were losing has seemed to have slowed and
it seems like it’s been forever since you’ve shed a few pounds, it might be
time to consider that you are stuck in a diet plateau.
Many people will face a diet plateau at
some point or another as they do tend to be incredibly common along the weight
loss journey. This is especially the case if you’ve been using a lower calorie
diet for an extended period of time as the body will be fighting hard to help
keep you from starving to death.
But, if you approach the plateau in the
proper manner, you should be able to bust through it relatively easily and get
back on track to maximum success.
Let’s go over a few of the smart diet
tricks that you can use to bust through any plateau you face.
The very first thing that you should do is
zig-zag your calorie intake. What this
does is essentially tricks your body. At first it may have thought it caught on
to you and slowed its metabolic rate down to the amount of food that you were
But, if you then add a much higher calorie
day into the mix, you confuse it. Now it’s getting more fuel, so it may start
to speed up again to compensate for this.
Your body does try and maintain homeostasis
as best as possible, so it will speed up and slow down with just three to five
days of intense dieting.
By having some low and some high calorie
days throughout the week, you never give it this consecutive period where
receiving the same amount of fuel, day after day.
More Variety
The second dietary strategy that you can
use to bust through a plateau is to try and consume as much variety as you
possibly can. Don’t gravitate to the same three foods over and over again.
Mix it up, as long as they stay healthy.
While this won’t have an incredibly huge
impact on your progress, it still can make a difference and every little bit
will add up.
A Two To Four Day Diet Break
Finally, if you’ve been dieting intensely
for quite some time, it may just be time to consider a two to four day diet
Sometimes a one day high calorie day isn’t
enough to get things kick-started again and you instead need to elevate
calories and keep them there for a longer period of time.
A short break off your diet and eating at
maintenance levels can be just the thing to get you out of the plateau and on
track again.
So next time you feel like your progress is
moving slower than it should, consider these strategies. Using them should get
you moving forward again so that you don’t end up any more frustrated than you
already are.
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