A good weight loss program - an endless search.
Contrary to popular belief, eating less is not the solution if you want to lose a few pounds. And unfortunately ... there are many weight loss programs that will emphasize.
The reduction of food intake will help you lose weight, but the human body needs a certain amount of daily dose. This includes getting enough vitamins, protein and iron, etc. every day to ensure that the body remains healthy and functioning properly.
In addition, regardless of the excess can be harmful to health. Therefore, eating too much of a particular food, or nothing at all can also lead to problems such as disability awareness, calcium, for example.
It is important to find the right balance in your meals as long as you decide to go on a weight loss diet. A little yin, a little yang ensure that your body has enough nutrition and resources to operate as it should be every day without having to worry about an expanding waistline or health problems that may result overweight and obesity.
There are programs for weight loss and recipes available to those of us out there who are too busy or too slow to implement an exercise regimen, and you want to lose weight through plans diet only.
Some of them are simple meal recipes or tips that you can incorporate into your daily routine without too much difficulty, while others are developed programs spread over a period of several weeks or months to help lose weight , and to maintain weight loss there.
The Big Breakfast Diet
We've all heard the importance of our old place in a good hearty breakfast to start the day. Well, this diet, popularly known as The Big Breakfast Diet works on the same principle.
This diet also be of interest to you as it has more to do with the timing of meals, from its content! The source of this plan is a book of the same name written by Daniela Jakubowicz.
The basic principle of this author is that you consume a considerable amount of calories (anywhere from 610 to 850) in the morning, preferably before 9am. Doing this activates the body's metabolism and your body is now better use of their circadian rhythms, which allows for better digestion and fat burning.
What is even more interesting is that you do not have to exclude delicacies like ice cream and cakes this diet plan! However, they should not be included in your diet for foods rich cases protein and fiber.
If this plan is followed correctly, you can lose up to 25 pounds in a month, according to Jakubowicz. Let's review the things you can eat on this plan.
For starters, most people who work are literally fighting every day to think first about what to prepare breakfast, then really prepare, and finally find the will to actually eat!
But this is not the "Big" Iness breakfast that keeps you full throughout the day, incorporate the right balance of protein, carbohydrates, sugars, etc.
Sample breakfast
The following is a small sample was prepared according to the guidelines above.
· Scrambled eggs (country style) made with 3 egg whites, cheese (2 oz), vegetables and ham (2 oz)
· English muffin (half) of cream cheese
· Cereal with milk (ideally 8 oz)
· Smoothie (strawberry)
· 1 chocolate fudge brownie
So now you probably have an idea of what a breakfast "Big" appears. Again, you must maintain a balance of protein and carbohydrates, and you do not have to give up sweets!
Lunch should be part of three servings of protein, such as vegetables, the calorie content of both low (3 people), and some candy (2 servings). Finally, revel in one serving of fruit.
Lunch should be made before 14:00.
You can have up to three servings of protein at dinner, but there is always a choice to consume less protein, followed by 2 slices of sweet vegetables. If you're still hungry, fill your stomach with unlimited servings of vegetables low in calories. Finally, give your taste buds a treat with two servings of fruit.
You must make dinner a few hours after lunch. Please note that these times may increase to one hour (but not more than that) during the winter season.
You've probably noticed that protein intake is too important in this regard. This is because protein makes you feel full. On the other hand, carbohydrates are converted into energy, fueling fat burning in the body. This effect is greater when the correct amount of carbohydrates taken in the morning.
Furthermore, sweets are included in every meal just to avoid cravings. If you do not want to eat breakfast, go ahead and have it. As you continue with the diet plan, your body and your taste buds will adjust to schedules.
A word about schedules. Many experts who have reviewed this diet plan have pointed out that there is nothing spectacular about the nine hours or the quotient of 600 calories.
However, all experts agreed the principles of the plan, that is, have a good breakfast in the morning with limited lunch and dinner to avoid overeating and food cravings.
The Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean diet is not like your typical diet. It turns more around the neighboring Mediterranean food places, such as fish, fruits and olive oil.
Similarly, the elements are avoided including meat and cheese, or at least reduce the amount.
In addition to help you eat healthy and lose weight, this plan also helps prevent heart problems such as heart attack and other medical conditions such as type II diabetes and Parkinson's disease.
The planning of the Mediterranean diet
The most important characteristic of the Mediterranean diet is that it can be incorporated into a daily routine diet. That you can add to your daily diet are:
· Fruits and vegetables, blueberries, grapes, broccoli, beans, olives, spinach, lentils and chickpeas, etc.
· Whole-grain pasta, oatmeal, brown rice and couscous, etc.
· "Good" * Fats-olive oil, canola, flax, etc.
· Tuna, lake trout, salmon and mackerel, etc. Eat at least twice a week.
· Low fat dairy milk and cheese products, etc. have small amounts on a daily basis.
· Eggs and poultry eat every other day or once a week.
* Good fats are unsaturated fats. It is very common that almost 35% to 40% of daily calories from saturated fat found in items such as palm oil, coconut oil and butter. In this diet plan, you should also limit the intake of meat and dairy products made from whole milk.
What more? Oh yes! Reduce consumption of red meat. Just limited portions (up to 3 oz) over several days in the month. Regarding sweets and desserts, restrict few times a week.
This includes your soda per day as well! You should not opt for red wine in the Mediterranean diet. Women can have one glass, while men can enjoy up to two drinks per day.
Adding the Mediterranean diet into your daily diet?
The following tips will help you understand the foods in your diet otherwise western Mediterranean:
• Instead of using butter, you can make olive oil and fresh herbs with toast in the morning
· Take cheese salad and replace it with seeds and nuts
· Avoid bacon and instead opt for a sandwich made with avocado slices
· Try herbs and spices instead of salt to taste
· For dessert, try a piece of fruit instead of a piece of cake or chocolate. This may include cooked apples or dried fruit and
· Olive oil can also mean sauce over pasta with pine nuts and a bit of parmesan cheese
· Avoid red meat for lunch and dinner and replace it with grilled or roasted fish with olive oil.
· Stay away from white flour and go for cereal grain products
· Flax can complement your healthy cereals, soups, low-fat yogurt
· Drink skim or 1% milk, and use it for cooking, and
· Replace mayonnaise or cream-based vegetable and dip in hand, in a salad dressing or hummus
Finally, the use of cooking with canola oil or olive immersed in saturated fat instead. You can consult a dietician or even surf the internet for advice on the integration of the Mediterranean diet into your daily routine.
Note: you can maximize the benefits of the Mediterranean diet for certain types of physical activity. This does not necessarily mean that gymnastic exercises. Just do everything to prevent the beating of your heart.
Even housework and take the stairs instead of the elevator to qualify. Yes, we know, the object of a diet plan is to help you lose weight with changes in food and drink alone, but hey, it was nowhere to be a couch potato!
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