Whole grains, such as those found in breads and whole grain pasta, promote heart health.
Weight loss can have a good effect on cholesterol
Fruits and vegetables whole grains are important for lowering cholesterol
Quitting smoking can reduce the risk of heart disease
Cholesterol was seen as a villain for heart health, but our understanding of this beast is constantly changing. New recommendations suggest that risk factors should determine who should receive drugs called stations to lower cholesterol, and they simply must make lifestyle changes to fight against the problem.
Anyone with diabetes, heart disease, "bad" cholesterol risk more than 190 or 10 years of a heart attack at above 7.5% should take a stating, new guidelines from the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology say. Everyone with high cholesterol: Take matters in hand.
This is the warning, too, that all cholesterol is the same. There are "good" cholesterol - high density lipoprotein or HD - you want to keep relatively high, and the "bad" cholesterol - low-density lipoprotein or LD - which must be held in check.
These are some of the lifestyle changes that you can try, with an eye toward pushing down bad cholesterol and good at healthy levels. Note that, according to the American Heart Association, these strategies may not be enough, especially if you have a family history of high cholesterol. Talk to your doctor about which treatment plan is best for you
1 Lose Weight
You may be able to reduce cholesterol significantly by the loss of 5% to 10% of their body weight, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Achieving that is not necessarily easy, but you can start with small steps. Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine easily, like climbing stairs. Replacing a fast food lunch with homemade food, healthy carrot sticks and chew instead of chips potato.
Gradually introducing healthier foods and exercise can have a big impact on your weight and, by extension, reduce cholesterol.
2 Be a little difficult
What you eat can make a big difference in the cholesterol levels.
Beware of saturated fats, which are hidden in the meat and dairy red. The Mayo Clinic recommends that less than 7% of daily calories come from saturated fat. Alternatives include lean cuts of meat, dairy products low in fat and monounsaturated fats, which can be obtained from the olive, peanut and canola.
But avoid foods that contain partially hydrogenated oils - an ingredient that indicates the presence of trans fatty acids, a feature of many fried foods and commercial baked goods.
Even products that say "no trans fat" can not be really clean, grease; the United States, labeled "trans fat free" can be pasted into any do what food with less than 0.5 grams of trans fat per serving. These small quantities can be added, so check the ingredients partially hydrogenated oil.
In general, you should not consume more than 300 mg of cholesterol per day, and if you have heart disease or diabetes, that number drops to 200 organs such as liver, egg yolk and dairy products made WWF whole milk are full of cholesterol; you can replace them with lean meats, egg substitutes and skim milk.
Whole grains, fruits and vegetables can help reduce cholesterol. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids can help lower bad cholesterol, too; these include some fish - salmon, mackerel and herring - as well as nuts, almonds and flax seeds.
Oatmeal is another fighter of bad cholesterol because it contains soluble fiber, which may reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the blood. Beans, apples, pears, plums and grapes dried barley are also good sources of soluble fiber.
"Good" cholesterol linked to higher a lower risk of cancer
3 Activate
Try to exercise 30 minutes a day, with the approval of your doctor, and you can be on your way to lower total cholesterol and raise good cholesterol. Your weight loss journey can start with intervals of 10 minutes of physical activity several times a day.
Look for opportunities to add exercise. Can you squeeze in a walk during lunch time? Can you ride a bike to work? Can you get a sports game going, or take a morning jog? While watching TV, you can do squats?
Find an exercise partner can help, too. You can also consider starting or joining a group that works together.
4 No more cigarettes
Everyone knows that smoking is bad for your health, therefore, not surprising that smoking is harmful to the heart. If you stop smoking, you can improve your level of good cholesterol.
In addition, the decrease in blood pressure 20 minutes after leaving, according to the Mayo Clinic. The risk of heart attack decreases within 24 hours of quitting smoking, and within a year, the risk of heart disease is half that of a smoker. The risk of heart disease is reduced to the same for people who have never smoked in 15 years to leave smoking rates.
5 low alcohol
Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to high blood pressure, heart failure and stroke. That is why it is recommended that women of all ages and men over 65 to drink one glass of alcohol per day; for men 65 years or less, stick to a maximum of two drinks.
Interestingly, high levels of good cholesterol were associated with moderate alcohol consumption, but this connection has not been shown to be able to recommend alcohol drinkers.
Although these changes in lifestyle can help, sometimes doctors have yet to prescribe drugs to lower cholesterol. If you have high cholesterol, talk to your health care provider and the plan near manage attack.
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